Note From Jon


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Google, you have failed me

Two years ago, when I started this blog, I made a bet. I made a dollar bet with Darren that by the time I needed more than the 1 GB of photo storage that Picassa offered at that time, Google would have upped the limit (after all my GMail limit has gone from about 2.5 GB to 7+ GB in that time). And yet here we are over two years later and I have the following message at the bottom of my Picassa account:
 You are currently using 1022 MB (99.84%) of your 1024 MB.

That's pretty much Game Over, and it means that the next time I want to post photos on here I will owe Darren a dollar, and the far more costly admission that he was right and I was wrong (actually he has a pretty good track record of winning these bets--the initial cost of the Playstation 3, whether there was one or two TV "seasons" per year--actually if the current fall and spring trend for shows like Heroes continues I may be right after all on that one). 

What that means is that unless I decide to pay up (or the hand of Google reaches in and saves me in the final two megabytes) you may be about to enjoy the final post on this blog. And let's be honest that's probably better than continuing this fade-out process anyway. I clearly have been spending my time elsewhere, and I might as well just admit it. If I was giving this blog the time it deserved, I would have been railing against the DC parking policy that requires me to register with the DC DMV every six months to prove that I am NOT a DC resident, or bemoaning the loss of some of my favorite ways to enjoy summer outdoors in DC--R.I.P. HBO's Screen on the Green and The Shakespeare Free-for-All at Carter Barron (no free indoor Shakespeare in the fall does not count). Heck, I even forgot our blogiversary this year. No, I haven't been a good blogfriend at all lately. You deserve better. 

And so let's part as friends, with two short slideshows of great traditions that we've documented before, Gold Cup and Bike to Work Day.
Virginia Gold Cup 2009

Bike to Work Day 2009