Started what may become a new Memorial Day tradition this year with the White Oak Canyon/Cedar Run hike in Shenandoah National Park. I can't believe I lived here 30 years without knowing about "The Slide" on Cedar Run (AB took this shot of me on the right - as well as the video on the sidebar). The hike up White Oak Canyon, across the fire road and horse trail and back down Cedar Run was about 6.5 miles to the Rock Slide and took us from 10am to 1:30pm so it made for a late lunch. When I do the hike again I would do it exactly the same way though since the rock slide was fantastic and you can stay as long as you want and know you are nearly at the car (in case an afternoon storm moves in as it did today just as we reached the parking lot). The best swimming hole other than the slide (and the best for pure swimming) appeared to be the bottommost of the waterfalls on White Oak Canyon (the first you reach hiking up).
One of the goals of the hike (for me) was to test out Mimsi's backpack and the Keen Newport H2 Sandals (on the right with Ann's Keen hiking boats) I got as possible gear for Africa. Both passed the test.
Ann at the top of the main White Oak Canyon falls with a view down from the top on the right.
In front of the second falls on White Oak Canyon and a photo Ray took of me at the top of the main falls during our snack break.
AB hanging out on a log and Dave hanging out in the water (he ran ahead and was in the pool here at the lowermost falls when we arrived)
Ray took this sequence of shots of tandem rock sliding...
Thank you for organizing this! The hike kicked my @ss but it was a great change of pace (and my heart needed the workout).
You're very welcome for that awesome shot of you on the waterslide. Ray, schmay.
Next time do we get directions before hand? And is there a way I can get some of those pimping lessons from you?
Thanks for being a great scout leader!
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