Note From Jon


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Retaining Joel

I generally try to avoid business trips, but I figured heading to San Diego would give me a good chance to handicap the odds on when Joel will move back east. It's still a tough call. From the scenery and activity standpoint he may never be back. However, his foray with foster dog Fiona (who's not a bad dog... once she gets over her fear of water and relieving herself outdoors) made it clear just how hard it will be to replace Reagan. I think an over/under of a year is still about right.

Note to Jon:
  • The Jamba Juice at the Chula Vista Center has a $1 deal on a delicious hot Parmesan Pretzel with the purchase of a smoothie. Ever since my Whole Foods got rid of Jamba Juice I've been craving some and made up for that all week in San Diego.
  • If Joel asks if you can jump up on a retaining wall in his backyard (and mentions that he can)... don't try it, at least not in flip-flops. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

it looks like you guys had a good time. too bad the seals didn't want to come out and play. From what I remember, they tend to be more active in the morning. I'm heading out there myself on saturday. it'll be nice to see joel and visit some old haunts.

J said...

may i suggest a rename of the article to "Jons countdown", what else could explain documenting a $1 savings at Chula Vista Jamba Juice unless you plan to return, perhaps permanently. At least your email address wouldn't have to change. Hope your leg is healing, nice jump. Will build a higher wall when you move out here, btw, check out the ones by the Washington Monument, good practice.

laura said...

Hey Jon, that was fun to see--my parents have a beach house down the road from the MB volleyball courts (on Brighton), it would've been cool if you guys had run into each other....but you may not recognize each other, actually.
Anyway, if Joel is reading this, do you know my homegirl Debbi Picco? I mean Debbi Potts now...she just had a baby, is tall and has red hair. She hangs out there sometimes (though she lives in LA!)

always nice to read your blog :)